Accessibility tools to assist busy professionals with tired eyes, as study aids to help focus attention, to enhance reading comprehension, to best benefit from the educational materials on this official information website and Encyclopedia.
This official website features three key Study Aid tools, to enhance reading comprehension for all, assist those who are not accustomed to reading long texts, and provide accessibility for people with dyslexia or autism:
(Available on computers, not on most mobile devices)
All of the online Templar Encyclopedia topic report pages now have a “Sections Index” in the Left Sidebar, labeled “Sections in this Topic”:
This shows all sections and sub-sections of the current page, with clickable Links directly to each section to focus on a sub-topic. After clicking a section Link, it enables to Bookmark the current section, to save one’s place, to continue studying from that section later.
The Sections Index greatly helps reading comprehension, by simply reviewing the list of sections before reading the report. This serves as an Overview and Outline of the current report page, to understand what topics it proves.
(On mobile devices, this is a Header at the top above the page content.)
The full online Templar Encyclopedia now has a “Topics Index” in the Right Sidebar, labeled “All Encyclopedia Topics”:
This shows all topic reports in all categories of the website, with clickable Links directly to each report.
(On mobile devices, this is a Footer at the bottom under the page content.)
The “Speak Text” button (bottom right) is a text-to-speech reader, which works in combination with the Translate Flags (top).
In any language, chosen using the Translate Flags, Select Text and press the Play button, and it will read the text aloud in a native voice for that language.
(You may need to Refresh Page after changing languages on the same page, for the text reader to load the voice for that language.)
Selecting Text (with mouse) now shows “Yellow Highlighting”.
This is a strong visual aid to help focus on one part at a time for reading, reducing distractions. It is even more effective in combination with the Speak Text reading the Yellow Highlighted text aloud.
(For both Speak Text and Yellow Highlighting, “Triple Click” with the mouse selects a whole paragraph.)
The following are useful Free browser extensions (add-ons or plugins) for additional Study Aid tools.
For Google Chrome, and “Chromium” based browsers (MS Edge 2021+, Opera, Yandex, Brave and Dissenter browsers), any extensions can be installed from the Chrome Store.
For Mozilla Firefox browser, any extensions must be installed from the Firefox Add-Ons site.
An excellent Study Aid tool is a “Screen Mask”, which highlights the current text lines by “masking” the surrounding reading window with grey shading, or by coloring the current lines.
This helps to focus on reading one passage at a time, eliminating visual attention distractions. It is also very practical for busy people, to find one’s place in the text in between multi-tasking distractions.
Chromium – Add the Free “Screen Mask” browser extension from the Chrome Store at this link.)
Firefox – Add the Free “Reading Ruler” browser extension from the Firefox Add-Ons site at this link.)
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