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Cover of the Templar Encyclopedia

Preface to the Online Encyclopedia of the Knights Templar


Cover pages and Preface to the online Templar Encyclopedia, featuring Authorship Credits, and notes on Color Coding of quotes, Bible references, and Timeline for ancient dates.




Living Heritage of the Knights Templar Restored:
A Topical Encyclopedia


7th Edition, Geneva (2023)


Professor Matthew Bennett (Editor)

J.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., J.S.D., J.C.D.

King’s Counsel (K.C.), Privy Councillor (P.C.)

Prince Grand Master of the Temple

© 2013, 2022 Order of Knights of the Temple


Presented as a “Topical Encyclopedia”, organized by larger topics for deeper understanding.




Color Coded Quotes Indicating Sources


Quotes are color coded for convenience of visual reference, to indicate the types of primary sources, as follows:


Brown Quotes indicate Historical sources;

Blue Quotes indicate Modern academic sources;

Purple Quotes indicate Canon law sources;

Red Quotes indicate Royal or Nobility sources;

Green Quotes are Popular or Restored sayings.




Bible Quotes from King James Version


All Bible verses throughout these materials are quoted from the

Authorized King James Version (AKJV)

Cambridge University Press (1990)


From Original Languages – For the Christian Bible, the New Testament was originally written in Greek (ca. 70-115 AD), based upon the Old Testament from the Greek Septuagint (260-132 BC), which was translated from the original Aramaic scriptures.  The King James Bible was translated from these works in Greek and Aramaic in 1611 AD, further verified and refined by Oxford and Cambridge Universities by 1769 AD.  The resulting Authorized King James Version (AKJV) has since been considered the most accurate Bible for the purposes of academic scholarship.




Ancient Dates by Conventional Timeline


Compatible with Young Earth – The encyclopedic writings of the Templar Order include various topics of ancient Templar heritage, citing some specific dates as early as ca. 10,000 BC, the beginning of recorded history.  This is not incompatible with Creationist “Young Earth” beliefs, based on calculations from literal interpretations of the Biblical Book of Genesis, dating from the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  Although one such theory dates the beginning of humanity to ca. 4,000 BC, others date it to ca. 11,000 BC (based on reported gaps in Genesis 5 and 11).


Expanded Biblical Timeline – Rare topics of the most ancient Templar heritage cite some origins dated to as early as ca. 14,000 BC.  This is considered a “symbolic” academic reference to “predynastic” and “primordial” times, long before the beginning of recorded history.  This is also supported by Biblical scripture, indicating that Adam and Eve were not the first created humans, but rather the first King and Queen having “dominion” (Genesis 1:26-28).


Academic Standard Needed – The Templar Order must use the international standard dating system of the conventional timeline of academia.  This is necessary for cross-references with ancient manuscripts, antique books and encyclopedias, and university archaeology, in the context of the full historical record.  Such compatibility continually results in discoveries further restoring ancient Templar heritage, as the Order processes more historical sources.




Development of this Encyclopedia


Research for the Templar Encyclopedia was developed by the Grand Mastery of the Templar Restoration, assisted by Crown Officers of the Templar Order.


The expert academic research developing the primary body of this Encyclopedia was conducted full-time throughout 16 years, from 2007 to 2023.


The operating costs for producing this landmark work were sponsored by the collective monthly donations from Members of the Templar Order.


The Official Information Site of the restored Templar Order published the 1st Edition in 2013, 2nd Edition in 2015, 3rd Edition in 2016, 4th Edition in 2018, 5th Edition in 2020, 6th Edition in 2022, and 7th Edition in 2023.



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